Domino’s Pizza and Domino’s Dominoes
Domino’s is well-known for its pizza and delivery service, but the company has also taken some bold steps in recent years to address customer complaints and boost employee satisfaction. When Domino’s CEO David Brandon took over from the founder, he made listening to employees one of the company’s core values. He instituted a relaxed dress code, new leadership training programs, and college recruiting systems, among other changes. He also took the time to meet with employees and listen to their concerns.
The domino effect is the theory that a small change can start a chain reaction that leads to larger changes. This principle is often used in the context of politics, but it can be applied to many different situations. For example, one person’s action could cause a small problem in another country, which then prompts that other country to take action, and so on. The result is a domino effect that can be beneficial or harmful, depending on how it is handled.
A domino is a small, thumb-sized rectangular block, bearing an identity-bearing face on one side and blank or identically patterned on the other. It is typically painted or etched to distinguish it from similar blocks, and its identification-bearing surface may be covered with one to six dots resembling those on dice. Each domino has two open ends that are connected to each other by a line or a ridge, and the matching ends must be touching in order for a domino to be played.
Each domino has an identifying number on its open end, and a player must in turn play a tile onto the table positioning it so that its matching end touches an open end of an existing domino chain, which gradually forms a snake-line around the table. If the tile has a double, it must be placed perpendicular to the previous tile.
The shape of the chain and the way it is positioned are important factors in determining which side a player plays first, and how the game is won or lost. Some games are won by playing a tile to the left or right of an existing domino, while others involve forming a cross shape across the table.
Historically, domino sets were crafted in bone, silver lip ocean pearl oyster shell (mother of pearl), ivory, and dark hardwoods such as ebony with contrasting pips. In modern times, they are most often made of polymer, although some are still manufactured in natural materials.
Dominoes can be arranged in an infinite variety of ways to form patterns and shapes. They can be arranged in straight lines, curved lines, grids that form pictures, stacked walls, and even 3D structures like towers and pyramids. When creating a domino art piece, Hevesh follows a process similar to that of an engineering-design project. She starts by thinking about the theme or purpose of her installation, and brainstorming images or words that might be used in it. She then draws a plan for the structure, including where she wants the dominos to go and how she will connect them with arrows to show the direction in which they should fall.